Referring Doctors Surveys with Spectos Healthcare
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Continuous surveys for higher satisfaction of your referring physicians

Do you know how satisfied your referring doctors are with your healthcare institution and what requirements they have? With the Spectos Healthcare Referring Doctors Surveys, we support you in quickly and easily recording the needs of your referring physicians via a variety of channels such as SMS, email, PC, tablet, smartphone, fax or letter. Improve service quality and relationships with your referring physicians continuously through higher referrer satisfaction.

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How to stabilize the loyalty of referring doctors with regular surveys

Referring physicians are integral to the success of a healthcare provider, as their recommendations or non-recommendations have a significant influence on the flow of patients in hospitals and medical care providers. Several studies show that about 75% of patients follow the recommendation of their referring physician and choose the recommended institution, as a clear verification of the quality of services of a hospital is almost impossible for the patient.

Example for face-to-face referring doctors surveys
Example for Referring Doctors Surveys on tablet

A positive referrer satisfaction has an intensive effect on the collaboration between clinic and referring physician and thus on the long-term overall success. Therefore, a targeted and quick response to concerns strengthens a positive relationship between hospitals and referring physicians. Get better access to the requirements of referring physicians with surveys by Spectos Healthcare. Build on the experience of your colleagues and optimize internal workflows accordingly. With a continuously improved service quality you become the first choice of referring physicians and enjoy a constant flow of patients.

Your advantages with referring doctors surveys by Spectos Healthcare

  • Improved communication with referring physicians stabilizes business relationship
  • Identification of strengths and weaknesses in collaboration and internal processes
  • Multichannel survey system takes individual habits of the referring physicians into account
  • Answering the survey is time- and location-independent, online and offline
  • Possibility of reopening the interview in the event of interruptions
  • Automated collection, processing and evaluation of data in real time
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Approaches and use of referring doctors surveys with Spectos Healthcare

Learn more about the needs and requirements of referring physicians by offering your surveys via a variety of communication channels. The multichannel approach of Spectos Healthcare achieves a significant increase in response rates compared to classic methods such as Paper & Pencil due to its high flexibility, easy accessibility and ease of use. Referring physicians are free to decide whether they want to evaluate the collaboration with the hospital via tablet, smartphone or PC. Fully automatic digital processing eliminates all administrative tasks such as viewing and sorting incoming mail, franking returns and mailing.

Nurse responds to Staff Surveys
Complaint hotline as part of the multi-channel healthcare surveys

This high level of flexibility ensures increased participation while reducing survey costs, providing a better overview of the quality of the experience and processes. Alternatively, telephone surveys and paper questionnaires can be used as complementary methods. All surveys are adjusted according to the target group and clinical form and thus deliver concrete results.

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Healthcare Cockpit

Monitoring service quality in real time: Individual reports and analyses for referrer satisfaction at the push of a button

Regardless which channel is used, all results are displayed in real time in the Spectos Healthcare Dashboard. Visually prepared reports and overviews enable the monitoring of all quality criteria. Gain a comprehensive overview of all processes and workflows, so that individual departments are comparable with each other and you can pursue uniform complaint management. The integrated ticket system ensures structured processing of individual issues.

The hierarchically structured role model also defines which departments and persons have access to certain data. In this way, those responsible always see the results they need, exactly when they need them.

Example Reports and Analysis of Referring Doctors Surveys in the Healthcare Cockpit


  • Seamless HIS integration via API
  • Communication Systems: Email, SMS, WhatsApp, Tablet, Terminal, QR Code and Shortlink
  • Optional digitization service via Support Center
  • Optional closed subscriber groups with anonymous access keys
  • Native Apps