Panel service by Spectos: Create and manage your own panels
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Panel Service

Build and manage your own panels for your one-time or regular campaigns

With the Spectos panel service, panels for singular or regular campaigns can be created and managed independently. Spectos provides its Real-Time Performance Management™ platform for this purpose. It enables the management of lists with addresses, customers or persons who are to participate in regular survey, email or measurement campaigns

The Spectos panel service is suitable for

icon specific campaigns

specific campaigns where standard panels are not sufficient

icon short notice

campaigns planned at short notice

icon third parties

avoidance of panel management by third parties

Advantages of the Spectos panel service

  • Maximum of independence due to autonomous panel management
  • Ability to realize ad-hoc campaigns
  • Cost and time savings and greater efficiency through self-service management
  • Customized panels for specific campaigns
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flexible and independent

Keep the panel management in your hand

With our service, you can create the panel of your choice yourself at any time. This allows you to run even short-term campaigns independently and without outside help. You can flexibly determine the attributes of your panel and choose from participants of the Spectos panel or your own members.

This is how the Spectos panel service works

Infographics creation and management with panel service

Create your own panels with new or existent participants

With this service you can create a new panel at any time by defining the panel name. Then you can define specific panel attributes such as validation rules, determining the “required/optional” categories or the display order. To add panel members, you can either access the Spectos panel or add your own members. These can be added via online form or imported via CSV or Excel file.

Mystery Shopping with Spectos Panel Service
Management with Spectos Panel Service for Service Quality Monitoring

Simple and flexible: Create segments and manage panel members

With our service you can filter panel members by attributes and create and export segments of the panel. You can update your panel attributes at any time. In addition, the standard dashboard gives you an overview of how many study participants are available for selected panel properties and values at the touch of a button. This allows you an even more targeted panel management.

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Benefit from a strategic combination with these services