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How can Outsourcing Digitization Services be a Winning Strategy for Postal Service Providers?

Outsourcing Digitization Services is a Win-Win for Postal Operators and Customers

The outsourcing of digitization services is beneficial when manual data capture is costly, time-critical, and labor-intensive. In most cases, the required time and workforce block valuable resources that would be urgently needed for other activities in day-to-day business. Outsourcing internal processes to external service providers promises greater efficiency, speed, quality, and even cost reduction. The effectiveness of data entry by third parties is evident in the video coding service, which has been developed specifically for postal service providers.


Illustration für Beschwerden in Post & Logistik

Before a letter or parcel can be delivered to its destination, it passes through a sorting system where it is assigned to the container with the correct sorting destination. Sometimes, a letter or parcel cannot be sorted automatically by the machine. Reasons for this are, for example, that the database does not know the address, the address is incomplete, or that it is not recognizable by the sorting machine at all. In such cases, the letter or parcel ends up in a container for non-assignable items. To ensure that the shipment can still be delivered, an employee must manually decode the item and compare it with the information in the address database. The manual determination of the correct sorting destination requires time and manpower to fulfill this task, and therefore often results in a delay in the delivery process.